7 Mistakes Homeowners Make When Renovating

7 Mistakes Homeowners Make When Renovating

You’re all excited about making your renovation dreams a reality. You’re finally going to get rid of those 1980s bathrooms and have a functional kitchen! You can hardly wait to get started. But wait! Make sure you read this blog post first! We’ve outlined seven mistakes we commonly see homeowners make when it comes to home renovations.

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Our Top Picks for Bathroom Fixtures

Our Top Picks for Bathroom Fixtures

My clients ask for help with many aspects of their bathroom project. However, they most commonly need help picking out the right fixtures. With so many options these days to choose from, it’s hard to know what’s good quality and what isn’t, what will fulfill your needs effectively, and what is a good value for your hard-earned dollars. We bring our 30 years of experience to this blog post to provide you with our top picks for your bathroom fixtures.

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6 Ways to Prepare Meals During a Kitchen Renovation

6 Ways to Prepare Meals During a Kitchen Renovation

Figuring out how to prepare meals and feed your family during a kitchen renovation can be quite a challenge! Eating out at restaurants can be quite expensive, and unless you go to high-end restaurants, the meals are typically not that healthy or nutritious. We’ve come up with six solutions to this problem, and if you utilize one or more of them, getting through your kitchen renovation without your kitchen will be a breeze!

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Creating a Multi-Generational Home

Creating a Multi-Generational Home

For many reasons, multi-generational homes are becoming more popular. Adult children and their kids are moving back home to live with their parents. Elderly parents are moving in with their adult children. There are advantages and disadvantages to multi-generational living, but in most cases, the positive far outweighs the negative. We explore what forms the basis of multi-generational living, discuss the pros and cons, and talk about the ways you can transform your home to make it a comfortable space for all generations living under one roof.

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A Guide to Ontario Electrical Code and Your Home 0

A Guide to Ontario Electrical Code and Your Home 0

We go into many homes to do home inspections, renovations, and repairs. We seldom leave those homes without finding at least one or two electrical safety code violations. More often than not, we see a lot more than two! Some of the violations are minor, but others are serious enough that they could cause a fire. This post discusses the most common electrical code violations that might exist in your home and tells you how to go about ensuring the safety of your family.

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Benefits of a White Kitchen

Benefits of a White Kitchen

Classic white continues to be one of the most popular colours for kitchens. They never look dated and always remain 'in style'. When my clients ask my opinion on what colour they should select for their kitchens, I always recommend that they consider white. You can always add some interest to your kitchen through the use of colour and texture elsewhere in the room. In this post, we explore the benefits of a white kitchen and offer suggestions on how you can opt for white while ensuring your kitchen still looks and feels interesting.

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